Miller HBS-H510s HD Acetylene Straight Torch W/ Hard Hat

$ 615.35
By Miller

Miller HBS-H510s HD Acetylene Straight Torch W/ Hard Hat -


Miller-Smith Hand Cutting Torch Outfits are built for the toughest jobs. They feature a SC229 nickel-plated cutting torch which is backed by the Miller 5 year warranty and regulators include Hard Hat gauge guards. Capable of cutting up to 12” thick with optional tips.

Miller HBS-H510s HD Acetylene Straight Torch W/ Hard Hat


  • SC229 Straight Cutting Torch(Shown Above)
  • SC12-2 Acetylene cutting tip
  • 40-175-540S Oxygen Regulator
  • 40-15-510S Acetylene Regulator
  • H190 Hard Hat gauge guards
  • Operations manual